Unwind and restore function
Regular massage can assist the healing process and plays an important part in rejuvenating your body, mind and soul. Trish offers a variety of massage therapies, ranging from remedial treatments to treat injuries or correct postural issues, to those that reduce stress and induce relaxation. They follow aphabetically:
Ancient Stone Therapy Ritual
Stone Therapy transforms an ancient therapeutic ritual into a contemporary and luxurious experience to balance body, mind and spirit. This treatment utilises warmed volcanic stones to dissolve muscle tension (cooled stones may also be used to draw out the warmth from inflammations). Placement Stones are situated on key vitality areas of the body including the chakras to enhance the stream of vitality. Working Stones are then used to rub the muscles in conjunction with regular massage therapies.
Ayurvedic Massage
Based on the customary Indian science of Ayurveda, this massage is an ideal treatment to relieve stress, reduce muscle tension and balance energy. It re-establishes prana, or life forces and balances the three doshas that oversee all natural procedures. Please see Ayurvedic Spa Treatments for more information including facials and shirodhara.
Lymphatic Drainage
The Vodder method of lymphatic drainage stimulates the body's ability to cleanse itself of toxins and cellular debris. Benefits include clearing the skin, reducing cellulite deposits and boosting circulation and digestion
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release utilises light intentional techniques, in order to release the fascia and muscular restriction that limit movement and cause pain. Fascia is a connective tissue that is made up of a web of elastin and collagen fibres that surrounds, infuses and protects all the tissues, muscles, bones and ligaments in the body. It involves applying sustained pressure into the fascial connective tissue, resulting in a slow unwinding of the fascia, helping to release muscle pain and increase mobility.
Oncology Massage
Oncology massage offers support in any stage of the journey of cancer treatments. What can be offered to these clients is complete rest and relaxation in a treatment to aid the body's recovery from medical procedures and to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea, anxiety, depression, fatigue and pain. Please refer to Oncology Support for more information.
Pre and Post Natal Massage
Massage amid pregnancy can induce relaxation, relieve muscle cramping and tension, assist hip and back pain, reduce mood swings and helps to strengthen the immune system.
Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage uses a combination of techniques to help relieve the symptoms associated with injury and stress. It helps to soothe tired, aching muscles and is also effective for treating headaches, back pain and sporting injuries. Remedial Massage will increase blood circulation and promote well-being. Deep tissue massage is used to relax, lengthen and release holding patterns in the different layers of muscle tissue. This is done using very specific techniques with the intention of releasing the layers of muscle tissue concentrating on certain areas when the need arises. Remedial massage would benefit anyone suffering from tension or stress, headaches, back pain, sporting injuries or muscle soreness.
Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage is based on European & Oriental techniques and a knowledge of modern anatomy & physiology. The strokes and manipulations are each conceived as having a specific therapeutic benefit. This massage helps muscle strain, increases circulation, stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call on 9517 9725!